$> init hterm.css

   _   _ _____ ______________  ___
  | | | |_   _|  ___| ___ \  \/  |
  | |_| | | | | |__ | |_/ / .  . |  ___ ___ ___
  |  _  | | | |  __||    /| |\/| | / __/ __/ __|
  | | | | | | | |___| |\ \| |  | || (__\__ \__ \
  \_| |_/ \_/ \____/\_| \_\_|  |_(_)___|___/___/

  A terminal-like stylesheet for HTML
  Version: 0.1-20190823
  Source:  http://bit.ly/hterm-css-source
  Demo:    http://bit.ly/hterm-css-demo
  Github:  http://bit.ly/hterm-css-github

[2019-08-23 18:16] This is a demonstration of the "tc-blue" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:17] This is a demonstration of the "tc-green" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:18] This is a demonstration of the "tc-grey" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:19] This is a demonstration of the "tc-red" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:20] This is a demonstration of the "tc-blue-bg" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:21] This is a demonstration of the "tc-green-bg" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:22] This is a demonstration of the "tc-grey-bg" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:23] This is a demonstration of the "tc-red-bg" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:24] This is a demonstration of the "tc-blue-bg-w" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:25] This is a demonstration of the "tc-green-bg-w" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:26] This is a demonstration of the "tc-grey-bg-w" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:27] This is a demonstration of the "tc-red-bg-w" class from hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:28] Printing repository link ...
[2019-08-23 18:29] Printing demo page link ...
[2019-08-23 18:30] Printing link to live hterm stylesheet ...
[2019-08-23 18:31] GITHUB REPOSITORY LINK: https://github.com/willinspire/hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:32] DEMO PAGE LINK: https://willinspire.github.io/hterm.css/
[2019-08-23 18:33] STYLESHEET LINK: https://willinspire.github.io/hterm.css/hterm.css
[2019-08-23 18:34] Done!
